Over the past few years, the dismal state of American Democracy has become clear in the eyes of many. The near-absolute power of the oligarchy can no longer be denied. It has now been over eight years since Princeton published its infamous study showing almost complete control over US politics by economic elites, yet the situation only appears to be getting worse. The United States is enduring the worst inflation in over 40 years. President Biden just warned the American public about the possibility of food shortages coming in the near future, a prospect that Ice Age Farmer has been warning of since long before the Ukraine Conflict.
Sanctions against Russia may backfire resulting in the loss of the US dollar as the world reserve currency. Should enough countries choose to trade with Russian rubles, rather than the US dollar, those dollars will come rushing home where they can be spent. This will make the inflation problem exponentially worse.
For the last two years, Americans have endured what can arguably be called the greatest assault on civil liberties in the nation's history. Rights granted to all people by natural and constitutional law have been trampled as government-imposed lockdowns ostensibly designed to slow the spread of Coronavirus were imposed with little to no public discussion. The Nuremberg Code, implemented after WWII to prevent a repeat of Nazi-style oppression, was tossed out the window as government mandates and other forms of coercion were implemented to enforce the use of experimental medications on a largely uninformed population.
On top of all of this, no one seems really sure exactly what the mRNA technology utilized as the foundation for many of the Covid vaccinations will do to people over the long term. Unfortunately, the largest long-term phase III trials were cut short as the placebo control group was unmasked after only four months. This technology, a brainchild of the military-industrial complex, may have applications beyond simply fighting off pandemics. There is some evidence that an alternative agenda may be in play unbeknownst to the bulk of the American public.
In this recent interview with lawyer Todd Callender, produced by the Corona Investigative Committee, he describes a plethora of issues with the new technology potentially explaining the current large increases in excess mortality among those within the 18-64 year age group. While some of Callender’s accusations seem pretty far-fetched, keep in mind that the head of the Committee, Reiner Fuellmich, is a very well-respected lawyer responsible for litigating some of the most impactful corporate crimes of the twenty-first century.
Other clearly intelligent and well-educated individuals have also raised alarms concerning the push to fast-track the use of this military technology for mass inoculation of the general public. In this interview, Dr. Carrie Madej discusses the potential for these mRNA vaccines to carry other forms of nanotechnology potentially capable of altering the human organism in fundamental ways. Dr. Robert Young discovered the presence of graphene oxide in the injections. This substance has been closely studied for its potential to literally grow electromagnetic networks inside the body after its introduction (and here).
I am not trying to prove, or even argue, that the Covid vaccination program was designed to cause some sort of zombie apocalypse, but the fact that many educated, informed, and well-respected members of their field are even raising these concerns should give us pause. The fact that many people distrust the current system enough to follow this train of thought is evidence enough that something is not right.
We have to ask ourselves how we got to this place. How can it be that international financial mechanisms from half a world away could have dramatic impacts on the daily lives of common people? Is it possible that secret military technologies are being introduced into the population with no long-term studies in place? The future is completely uncertain and the average person seems powerless to do anything about it.
Elite Control
Given the extent of the issues faced by the American public today, I think it’s time we identify the root causes of the problems. Only then can we begin to brainstorm potential solutions. In the near future, we could very well endure a perfect storm of supply shortages coupled with runaway inflation. All this is combined with what could become a healthcare nightmare and the situation is looking grim.
Individuals, families, and communities will need to understand what caused the disaster and why in order to make educated choices on how to move forward during challenging times. While I am sure there are many ways to view the causes of the current dire situation, the argument can be made that there are two fundamental forces at work that place the needs of a few people over the needs of the many. First, the deleterious effect of upper-class control over the mechanizations of government must be made clear.
While some may feel that elite control over a seemingly democratic process is overstated, the evidence is voluminous. The Princeton study sourced above shows just how much the government serves the interest of the corporate elite, but it should be noted that corporate power is consolidated within the hands of a very few people. This video explores the pyramidal structure of corporate finance and describes how the entire system has come to be controlled by a handful of companies. As you can see, Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, and Berkshire Hathaway have basically amassed the fiscal muscle necessary to control the vast majority of corporations within the system.
This Swiss study analyzed corporate consolidation and discovered that a very few corporations wield an inordinate amount of power across the entire corporate system. Though many perceive a corporate landscape characterized by market competition, it is more accurately viewed as a centrally planned system funneling all profits into a central core of very powerful transnational corporations.
It should be noted that during the pandemic crisis alone, $2.1 trillion dollars of wealth flowed upwards away from the common person and into the hands of the billionaire class. This has been called the biggest transfer of wealth in history.
That this massive centralization of wealth translates into political power is no secret. There exist a multitude of billionaire foundations, think tanks, and other organizations dedicated to the pursuit of upper-class and corporate interests to the detriment of the common person. Examples include the World Economic Forum, The Bilderberg Group, The Club of Rome, The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, and the Roundtable Group each dedicated to the consolidation of power in the hands of a few. A brief glimpse at their websites indicates the seamless interweaving of corporate and government power all under the control of the wealthiest of the economic elite.
Clearly, the voice of the people has been drowned out in a sea of corporate money. Even should you argue that the elite has the best interest of the people at heart, which is highly doubtful, should they be the ones making these choices for us?
The Monopoly on Technology
The second root cause I would like to discuss is a little more subtle and has to do with our relationship with technology and the development of new technological advancements. Currently, nearly all technological advancements are brought to the world through the system of corporate and government institutions collectively known as the Military-Industrial Complex, named so after the famous 1960 farewell address by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
This conglomeration of government institutions and private corporations has the power to determine which technologies are allowed for civilian use. The classification process allows certain technologies to be kept secret. Patents are granted or denied depending on whether a new technology is necessary for “national defense”. Those inventions determined to be of military use are kept away from the public purview. This situation raises some pretty interesting questions. Who decides what technologies are to be used for the public good, and which are to be kept secret until the military deems them worthy of civilian use?
We do know that there are a lot of people who are privy to at least some of this classified information. As of 2019, there were 4.2 million Americans with classified clearance. That’s more than one out of one hundred American citizens. Of course, the vast majority of these people are allowed to see only the information pertaining to their specific job. This is a process known as “compartmentalization” in the intelligence industry. One example cited is the Manhattan Project and notes that even most of those isolating the Uranium did not know what they were doing, and those that did had no knowledge of the reason why they were doing it.
So we are in a situation where potentially millions of Americans are working on aspects of technologies without understanding exactly what they are helping to build or why. Combined with the understanding that independent inventors are not allowed to pursue inventions deemed necessary for “national security” we can only come to the realization that a handful of people with “special access” at the top of the classification pyramid, have to power to determine the course of technological advancement of our entire society. Not only that but all of this is done secretly, with no way for the public to have any say in what technologies are pursued and for what application.
These classified operations are extremely well funded. DARPA, perhaps the most well-known government agency responsible for classified research projects relating to technological advancement, has an operating budget exceeding $3.5 billion dollars a year. This is but the tip of an iceberg considering the plethora of private defense contractors cashing in on classified projects to the tune of tens of billions of dollars more.
Many of these technologies, initially developed for “national security” are eventually declassified and offered to well-connected corporations for civilian use. As cited above, it was DARPA that initially developed the mRNA platform, then provided $25 million dollars in seed money to Moderna to develop the technology. In The Real Dr. Fauci, Robert Kennedy Jr. delves into the creation of the anti-viral drug Remdesivir. Also developed by DARPA, this drug was farmed out to Gilead Sciences for production and distribution. Government grants were given for research and development, and even for the build out of manufacturing infrastructure. Not only that, but the government essentially required Remdesivir use for the treatment of Covid, guaranteeing massive profits with literally no financial risk. Needless to say, Gilead Sciences had a banner year in 2020.
The creation of the internet, wireless communication networks, and even social media applications have been implemented in much the same way. Here is DARPA itself bragging about the plethora of advanced technologies they have been responsible for. As you can see, they have been deeply involved in the creation of everything from facial recognition, touchscreen tablets, robotics, machine learning, and AI. These people have created our present, and are in the process of creating our future. Are you sure this is the future you want?
These “dual-use” technologies get farmed out to well-connected corporations for manufacture and distribution. The process results in essentially massive guaranteed profits for the corporations, utilizing technologies developed on the government's dime.
Through this process, the government prevents the development of certain technologies, while monopolizing the development of others. Once developed, these technologies are distributed by a handful of corporations in service to the economic elite, as described above.
Who Decides the Future?
The future this Military Industrial Complex is creating for us, behind a wall of classified information, may not be the future we would choose of our own free will. Mountains of evidence suggest there are powerful transhumanist and technocratic agendas at play. This could literally result in a future where artificial intelligence systems control a cyborg population with little to no ability to make personal choices for themselves.
If this all sounds like a crazy conspiracy to you, remember that we simply do not know what the endgame is. That’s classified. Many researchers have, however, constructed narratives based on available information that suggests a massive effort on the part of this web of public and private institutions to develop technologies of control.
In this interview with Elana Freeland, author of Geoengineered Transhumanism, we discuss how nanotechnology functioning inside people’s bodies can integrate with orbital satellites through wireless communication to create a literal full spectrum dominance throughout the entire planet. The work of Alison McDowell, Whitney Webb, and others clearly delineates how many of these dual-use technologies are developed and distributed throughout this public/private partnership in service to the above-mentioned ideals. Patrick Wood has dedicated his work to exposing a well-funded technocratic movement with powerful transhumanist connections.
Perhaps the most disturbing question raised through this understanding of technological evolution, more aptly described as social engineering, arises when contemplating just who resides at the top of the leviathan? Clearly, we the people do not get a say when choosing the technological advances that will define our future. While general funding may get decided through some semblance of a democratic process, specific projects are decided upon from deep within the classified complex. If we don’t know what projects are being funded or by whom, how are we supposed to vote on the type of future we want to help create?
Elite Influence
I don’t think we have to look too far to determine that upper-class influence and technological monopolization are extremely interrelated. If economic elites are capable of taking over the overt democratic process ostensibly designed to promote the public good, is it not conceivable that they have also accrued inordinate influence over the covert mechanizations of the Military-Industrial Complex? Can we not extrapolate that it is they who have designed a system of intellectual property rights that precludes some technologies from the public sphere while promoting the advancement of others? They certainly have the means and the motivation to promote technologies that help to solidify and expand their already overwhelming economic and political power.
While it is difficult to peer inside corporate boardrooms and elite gatherings where our future is mapped out, it is almost impossible to observe the machinations of government bureaucrats acting under the veil of classified secrecy. Due to the interconnectedness of defense spending and corporate profiteering, however, there clearly must be some relationship between private interests and the development of these “dual-use” technologies. We may never know to what extent the wealthiest among us determine our technological future, but we do know they take advantage of these technologies for the purposes of profit and control.
Regardless of how much the elite determine the specific course of research and development within the Military-Industrial Complex, it is clear that they have plans for the implementation of many of these technologies in ways that benefit the desires of the few over the needs of the many. The World Economic Forum is perhaps the most powerful of upper-class institutions with partners that include political and corporate leadership, as well as funding from literally hundreds of the largest transnational corporations in the world.
Klaus Swab, its founder, has co-written two books, Covid 19:The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution, clearly delineating how the very technologies conceived of within DARPA and other military institutions will radically transform our lives over the coming decade. Yuval Noah Harari, a professor closely associated with the WEF openly discusses the melding of humankind with machines and the complete loss of the ability to exercise free will. In this video he promotes the shifting of personal authority from individual choice to machine created algorithms.
Clearly, the wealthiest and most powerful among us are building a future where we have literally no voice in choosing what that future will look like, and they are using technology developed within the secretive, classified world of national defense to do it. They don’t even have to front their own cash as tax dollars, and “compartmentalized” public servants are busy engaging in research and building the infrastructure for them. Only those few with a “need-to-know” are even privy to the big picture.
This system of elite control has become so endemic, it is difficult to conceive of a way out. We either simply participate in the future they have planned, or we don’t. Given the extent and severity of the variety of the problems plaguing our nation and the world, it may be time to seriously consider engaging in the creation of parallel institutions that can provide basic needs and services outside the dominant corporate/government system.
Perhaps there is still time for an organized, popular political movement to intercede. Obviously, 99+% of the population has the power if they choose to use it. We can take our future back. The question is can enough wake up to the severity and the true, root causes of the problems in time. Unfortunately, so many have been hypnotized into dialectical thinking, and so habituated into believing their enemy is the average person on the “other side” of the left/right paradigm, that they simply cannot perceive the common enemy that resides at the top of the socio-economic pyramid.
I suggest that if you are interested in politics and concerned about helping to create a positive future, begin to advocate for the decentralization of power in all its forms. Seek to reduce the size of federal and state governments so these entities no longer fill the coffers of the corporate system with essentially unlimited funding. Minimizing the bloated military budget and creating transparency within all government institutions would go a long way toward reestablishing a viable connection between the will of the people and the functioning of government.
In truth, however, organizing locally to ensure the necessities of life may well be the best option. We don’t need nanotechnology, gene splicing, robots, and artificial intelligence to live happy lives. Perhaps it is time to revert to simpler times and focus on good food, water, natural health, and education systems easily manufactured locally. In doing this we can reimagine a future for the people, by the people, and of the people disconnected from a corporate/government complex that has clearly lost its way.
Please consider subscribing if you are interested in learning more about my perspective, and I look forward to engaging in the broader conversation as those of us resistant to the technocratic takeover continue to seek a healthier relationship with life, the planet, and each other as we move forward.
For more information about my work and to find all episodes of my podcasts, go to www.theshiftnow.com. Paid subscribers to The Populist Papers will receive a subscription to “The Shift with Doug McKenty” and have access to all feature-length versions of the show.